Where Can I Find the Engineering Division?

Engineering Relocation March 2011, Updated: 8-3-12

Please note that the Engineering Technology Division staff has relocated to the former Middle College HS area. All phone extensions will remain the same. Amanda Bennett and Lulu Copeland have joined the Engineering Technology team. Amanda is the new academic advisor and outreach specialist and Lulu is the Manager for Technical Training. Amanda and Lulu are located in C55.

New room assignments are below for reference:

(1) Engineering Technology Division Secretary: Lila Hale to the former MCHS lobby C76
(2) Engineering Technology Technicians: Philip Hobbs and Peter Kriener to C54A
(3) Department Head, Wacker Institute: Dana Colquitt to C71
(4) Tech-Track Coordinator, Engineering Technology: Lyn Price to C75A
(5) Department Head, Engineering Technology: Beth Ruta to C75B
(6) Dean, Engineering Technology: Tim McGhee to C74
(7) Advisor & Outreach, Engineering Technology: Amanda Bennett to C55A
(8) Manager, Technical Training, Engineering Technology: Lulu Copeland to C55