List of keyboard shortcuts that make life easier.

This is a short list of various keyboard shortcuts that really help save time.

General windows shortcuts (These work for almost all programs on windows)
Alt + F4
This shortcut closes the active window or program

Alt + Enter
Will toggle full screen or windowed mode on most applications and windows

Alt + Esc
This shortcut minimizes a program to the task bar

Ctrl + Alt + Del
Depending on your settings this will either bring up the task manager, or it will bring up a full screen menu that you can access the task manager from. The task manager allows you to close out of programs that have locked up your computer.

Ctrl + P
This is generally the universal "print" shortcut. This will bring up the print window, so that you can print the active window.

Ctrl + A
Selects everything in a document

Ctrl + X
This is the "Cut" shortcut. It will copy what you have selected to something called the "Clip board" and remove what you had selected from the document.

Ctrl + C
This is the "Copy" shortcut. It will copy to the clipboard without removing it from the document.

Ctrl + V
This is the "Paste" shortcut. It will copy from the clipboard to the document.

Ctrl + F
Opens up the find window. Find will search for a word or

Ctrl + S
Saves the file

Ctrl + Z
Undo - In some programs it is Ctrl + Shift + Z

Ctrl + Y

General web browser shortcuts (These work in most web browsers, such as Internet Explorer and Firefox)
Like hitting the back button

Shift + Backspace
Like hitting the forward button

Ctrl + Mouse wheel
Will increase or decrease the font size. If you don't have a mouse wheel, you can use Ctrl + '+' or Ctrl + '-'.

Ctrl + Zero
Will reset the font to default

Ctrl + T
Most new web browsers support tabs. This will open a new tab

Ctrl + R
Refreshes the web page

Ctrl + W
Closes the current tab, or if you only have one open will close the window.

Ctrl + D
Bookmarks the page

Ctrl + N
Opens a new browser page

Microsoft Office 2007 Shortcuts
Ctrl + O
Opens a file

Ctrl + I

Ctrl + U

Ctrl + B

Ctrl + R
Right justifies the text

Ctrl + E
Center justifies the text

Ctrl + Q
Left justifies the text

Ctrl + L
No text justification

Ctrl + T
Increases the hanging indent by half an inch

Ctrl + Shift + T
Decreases the hanging indent by half an inch

Tapping alt will add key strokes to the ribbon, allowing you access to most options with a button press. Alt again turns this off.