My Links Aren't Working in eLearn. What Is Happening?

If you are receiving errors while working in eLearn,  click the link again to see if the page will refresh (this may take a few clicks). We have noticed that usually, after an error, giving the page a few seconds and trying again will open the page.
If you are taking tests or quizzes in eLearn and the system locks up when submitting a test, log out of eLearn and log back into eLearn. If you still have time left to finish the test, reenter the test and try to submit again. If this doesn’t work, please contact CDE with the following information:

• Your name

• The Course number where this problem occurs—including the section number (example: ENGL 1010 015)

• The name of the test where the problem occurs

CDE will then try to submit the test for the student. When this happens, also communicate with your instructor about the problem.

-Tim Dills
Assistant Director, Center for Distance Education
Chattanooga State Community College