Tips on Searching the Library Catalog

Use these symbols with your keywords and phrases to get better results when searching the library catalog. The catalog search understands the asterisk to mean that the search term is important. Character Description:

? Use the question mark to truncate a search or for multiple character, wild card searches at the beginning, middle, or end of your search term.Example: col?r finds color and colour. cod? finds code, codes, coding and so on.
% Use the percent sign for single-character wild card searches.Example: g%%se finds goose and geese.
+ Use the plus sign to indicate that the search term is essential.
! Use the exclamation point before a search term to indicate that
records with that term are to be excluded.
* Use the asterisk to indicate that the search term entered is
" " Use quotes to search phrases.
( ) Use open/close parentheses to group search terms.