This Document in My eLearn Course Content Won't Print. When Saved to the Desktop It Has the File Extension .PRN. What is a PRN file?

A PRN file is a special type of file that contains instructions for a printer. It tells the printer what to print on the page, what printer to use and other controls. We recently had a nursing student trying to print a document from eLearn with this extension. If your document has this extension and does not want to print on the library print management system, ask to print from a computer that has Adobe Acrobat 8 or 9 on it. This software will print the .PRN file extension files. The computers in the library with Adobe Acrobat include the ADA computers, the classroom computers and the two multimedia computers in the conference/multimedia studio room.

Note: These files will look funny when you try to open them in Word and don't allow you to use Word to print. They can't be copied and pasted in notepad or opened to print either.